Cody was brushed, grooming spray applied, wet wipes, warm wash cloth for the ” eye stuff” ,collar, leash , water bowl filled~~~~
Pam puts on V.A. badge, puts V.A. pass on the dash of the van~ gets Cody’s treat bag filled with his favorite ( Hot Dogs)~~
Lo and Behold there’s a parking place right close to the CLC~~I pull up, park, grab dog, put on treat bag~~head for the “message tree” ( Cody has to visit this tree every time we go to the V.A.) 🙂 Then we head inside~~I hear voices, I head down the hall, the trivia game is breaking up for the day~~Mr. R.~~> “where’s Larry, home taking a nap ?” “you spoil that Man, you know that don’t you? ” I smile and nod~~~ Mr. “B” is there also~~it’s good to see him, He has his wheels back and just tools around. His eye is healed, so all is well ~~Lenny sits there with a smile, starring at Cody~~”He’s my favorite you know ” and He reaches for the dog~~so, all now head back up to the 3rd floor, they look back:::::: ” see ya’ upstairs”~~~
I walk to the office, “C” and I go to the elevator to go upstairs to see everyone.
A typical visit today , John is asleep, we go on to see Mr C, He pauses and moves away from his computer for a moment to say hello~ On to see Kirk~~He cuts those eyes at me when I walk in the door , looks down a Cody, then turns His head to watch T.V.~~Kirk has been back only a few days, He went home to visit His Mother. He can talk now, it’s been several years of uphill improvement, and He still has the most beautiful smile I think I have ever seen.
Some of the Doctors and interns are on break, they form a line as “C” and I walk down the hallway , pointing out their favorite patients and making sure that We stop for a visit. A couple of the patients just wanted a “door visit” , and we obliged~~ie: door visit~~> stand just inside the door, do not actually go into the room, talk, laugh ~~It’s a “long distance” visitation. Mr. Watson is well,
sitting on the couch at the nurses’ station, drinking his cup of coffee as usual.
We see Mike also, I tell “C” that I had to chastise a friend at the last bingo the Elks had for the Vets. ’cause My girlfriend didn’t realize that Mike was My boyfriend. Mike was laughing about this when I told “C” the story.
A new admission today ~~We go in for just a moment to say hello, the family is there, the Doctors are arriving to do the paper “work- up” and to help get him settled. One of the family members mentioned that she had heard of Therapy dogs, and their contributions~~I tell her that the idea of
“tactile sensation” is one of the areas/sensations that the dogs contribute. She then reached out, grabbed 2 handfuls of Cody’s ruff, and sat there for a moment, then raised Her eyes. They looked a bit misty~~The doctors needed space and time with the new patient , so we made our exit.
Another day, another visitation, perhaps we made a small difference.