I think I’ve been flirted with ! smile emoticon
Brookdale today~~the day room was crowded, Bo and I walked/talked~~Bo got pats, lots of lovin’~~One of the resident dogs showed up with it’s owner, I made it my business to get Bo out of there, and to another part of the room. As we all know, Dog-Dog aggression and Dog-Human aggression are 2 entirely different things. Bo loves people, He wags, He twists and turns, He would talk if He could when a human comes into view~~I’ll n…ever know why the negative reaction to another dog , or, what happened to cause it ~~
So, We head back to the Memory Care Unit~~again, loving’ twisting , turning etc…..1 resident, ( we’ll call him John), a long time resident, but never reactive to Me,Cody, or Denny and then, up walks BO~~the man comes alive~~He takes the leash out of my hand, He pats, talks . I take the leash back , sit down in the middle of the circle of residents. Bo lays down side of me . I am talking, then hear a noise behind me~~there stands John~~No one knew that He could walk ! He comes to my front, talks for several moments, then reaches down and takes my hand, smiles, pats Bo, then goes back and sits down. His talk is a mutter under His breath, but He was making sense, if not to me,it was to Him~~ He knew what He was saying, You could see it in His eyes ~~
So folks, Here I am an Old Married Lady, and I now have a boyfriend ~~