The family was there,milling around, looking over to smile at the prone figure on the bed . His wife holding his hand, to let Him know that She was right there with Him.
Myself ,My escort from the CLC , and Cody, we walk into the room~~~
“Roy ! Roy ! Look ! Cody is here !!” ( My escort and I get a glancing smile)
Pictures are taken by the family, Cody is mobbed by admiring hugs ,pats,…
( I know, it’s a tough job, but what’s a dog to do but accept and love ?)
Cody moves a bit at a time, accepting the lovin’ but never being swayed from His goal until He is at the bedside.
” Roy, He’s here ! give me your hand sweetheart, relax your arm, now , I’ll guide you, feel that fur, You should see this dog, Roy~~He’s a Great Pyrenees~~remember the one that lived in the house right next to us ? Try to open your eyes. He is a beauty !”
I walk over ~”~Roy , I brought Cody to see you today”He just got brushed so that He could come and see his favorite person “( Cody lays His head on the bed next to the Veteran) 1 finger, just 1 finger scratches the dog’s nose, then relaxes as He again finds solace in sleep.
Mr. B. , Mr. R. ,Mike, all the other regulars are well ~Kirk is at home~Kirks’ MOM had him brought home for the holidays. Every time, every Christmas, Kirk’s Mom never wavers, Kirk goes home for Christmas~~~~~. One of the nurses walks up to Cody and reaches down for a hug~~How much do they see ? How stressful is their job? Perhaps a hug or two will help them also~~Of course , it is then mentioned that Cody is soooooooo spoiled~~:)
to which my reply is “NOOOOOOOOOOO of course not, I can’t imagine where you got that idea from !”
We stop to talk with a gentleman that is an amputee, Cody sniffs the wound, I flic the leash to get Cody to step back~”it’s ok” , the veteran said, “oh, I just thought perhaps it was still sore from the surgery”~~so, on we go~~Cody has won over someone else~~sitting in the day room, in no uncertain terms, He had told me how He felt about dogs ,I start to walk past him, “I have to see Cody ,I have to say hello “~~
another day, another experience~~